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    news_event Held KU-AN OPEN LAB category : event, MPC date : 2023 We held “KU-AN OPEN LAB” from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 24th. We held this event as the first public open day for those who watched the broadcast on Sunday, June 18th. Thank you for attending. We are going to hold… Read…


  • KU-AN OPEN LAB【Registration Form】

    news_event KU-AN OPEN LAB【Registration Form】 category : event, MPC date : 2023 OFF-GRID TEST SITEは非公開の研究開発拠点としておりましたが、地上波でTV放送されたことを記念して、6月24日(土) 17時〜20時 にて空庵の一般公開を決定いたしました。ご興味のある方はこの機会に是非お申し込みください。 KU-AN OPEN LAB will be held from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 24th. “KU-AN” is a closed laboratory. We will open this place for public only on the day as the commemoration of broadcasting on terrestrial television.… Read…


  • MPC featured on Dempa Shimbun Daily

    news_media MPC featured on Dempa Shimbun Daily category : media, MPC date : 2023 MPC(=Micropower Collection) was featured on Dempa Shimbun Daily, published on June 19th, 2023. Please check it out. ・Dempa Shimbun Daily 土やコンポストからも発電の「超小集電」 トライポッド・デザインが実装本格化


  • KU-AN featured on TV Asashi “ナニコレ珍百景”

    news_media KU-AN featured on TV Asashi “ナニコレ珍百景” category : media, MPC date : 2023 Our OFF-GRID TEST SITE “KU-AN” was featured on TV Asahi “ナニコレ珍百景”, broadcasted from 7 p.m. on Sunday, June 19th, 2023. The archive of this program is available on TVer and TELASA. Please check it out. About “KU-AN” >> TV Asashi “ナニコレ珍百景”… Read…


  • MPC featured on Mainichi Shimbun

    news_media MPC featured on Mainichi Simbun category : media, MPC date : 2023 MPC(=Micropower Collection) was featured on the evening edition of Mainichi Shimbun, published on April 15th. The picture of “KU-AN” was on the part of “読む写真” Please check it out. ・Mainichi Shimbun 未来を照らす光に 超小集電 Article Picture
