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  • MPC featured on Nikkei xTECH

    news_media MPC featured on Nikkei xTECH category : media, MPC date : 2023 The development of MPC and satellite, a joint development of tripod design and ArkEdge Space (Koto-ku, Tokyo), was featured on Nikkei xTECH. Please check it out. ・Nikkei xTECH 土から発電でジャングルでも通信可能に、日本発衛星IoT計画が始動


  • Conducted Technology Exchange and New Year Greeting Party

    news_event Technology Exchange and New Year Greeting Party for Companies category : event, MPC date : 2023 Thank you for your anticipation in CES 2023. We had more anticipants than expected, who got a lot of interests in MPC.On Thursday, January 19th, we had a debriefing session of the exhibition at CES2023, and a party for… Read…


  • Article about our exhibition at CES2023 posted on Dempa Shimbun Daily

    news_media Article about our exhibition at CES2023 was posted on Dempa Shimbun Daily category : media, MPC date : 2023 The issue on January 9, 2023 of Denpa Shimbun Daily digital edition “Electronic Devices” featured an article on Tripod Design’s CES2023 booth and development activities of MPC. Please take a look. ・Dempa Shimbun Daily 「超小集電」技術に取り組むトライポッド・デザイン、電源ない環境でもIoT CESで協業成果など発信


  • Thank you for coming our MPC BOOTH at CES2023!

    Thank you for coming our MPC BOOTH at CES2023!⇨You can read more about MPC here. We would like to thank you for visiting our booth at CES2023 in Las Vegas from Thursday, January 5 to Sunday, January 8, 2023.The total number of visitors during the four days of the event was 1018.Thanks to your support, we… Read…



    KU-AN, designed last year as an experimental building for MPC, has been awarded the GOOD DESIGN AWARDS 2022 in the United States. We are very happy to receive this important award.We would like to thank everyone who has supported KU-AN and MPC. We will continue to build OFF-GRID DESIGN LAB SHi-ZEN in the future.We… Read…
