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Micropower Collection (MPC)

Micro power correction
Micro power correction
Micro power correction
Micro power correction
Micro power correction
Micro power correction

Micropower Collection (MPC)

Micropower Collection (MPC) is a technology that collects micropower from any natural object as a medium through electrodes. MPC gets electric power continuously unaffected by the weather and timeframe, and therefore it’s seemed as a new technology of energy harvesting that supports our lives, such as lightning, sensing and data transmission at off-grid environments and disaster areas. It is expected that the technology will be industrialized at various fields and cultivate a new market worldwide.
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A Day of Life

Everyday, from getting up to going to bed, you will be definitely affected by things someone designed. Especially, energy development, which has started in Industrial Revolution, has an effect on our daily lives all day. We think that it is time to get back to modern times life without energy and consider new energy support for the future.

Whenever, Wherever, As Much As You Need

MPC is not influenced by religion or weather and provides electric power through any natural object. The goal of MPC is to provide necessary energy to more people, not relying on existing power grid or service network.

Change of My Life

What will MPC bring to the future of our lives and society? We have been discussing this theme as we develop MPC technology. Throughout our history, we have created design and technology for the real world whenever and wherever. It would be important what the new technology MPC will give to ourselves and the global environment in the future as positive effect.
Micro power correction