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“KU-AN” was featured on “いば6”, NHK Mito

category : media date : 2024/5/24

“KU-AN” was featured on NHK Mito “いば6” , broadcasted on May 24th, 2024.

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NHK Mito Mr. Kengo Sudo broadcasts live from laboratory “KU-AN” in Hitachi Ota city, Ibaraki. What is MPC (Micropower Collection) ?

(Japanese) 茨城・常陸太田市の実験施設「空庵」からNHK水戸 須藤健吾アナ中継 電気を集める「超小集電」とは
「いば6が行く」5/24放送 常陸太田市から中継


NHK Mito “いば6” > web page

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